Letter of Good Standing

A member may request for a letter of good standing from the Institute to support your application with other professional bodies or organisations.


The criteria to issue a letter of good standing are as follow:

  • The annual subscription fee has been paid up-to-date;
  • Member is not currently under any disciplinary sanctions or investigations; and
  • Member has complied with the Continuing Professional Education (“CPE”) requirements of the Institute.

    By-Law B110 - All professional accountants are required to complete at least 120 CPE credit hours of relevant CPE learning for every rolling 3 calendar year period, of which 60 CPE credit hours should be structured and verifiable, and at least twenty (20) CPE credit hours of such structured and verifiable CPE learning should be obtained each calendar year.

    You may view and update your CPE records online at MIA’s website. Please login as Member in order to do so. Please refer to the 'guidelines' for the guidance on updating CPE records. For further enquiry about the CPE, kindly contact our CPE at cpeaudit@mia.org.my.

The Institute will issue the letter of good standing ONLY if a member fulfil the above criteria.

Submit your application

Login and complete your application HERE.

*Please be advised that MIA will no longer accept application for Letter of Good Standing in the form of hardcopy.

Further information, please contact the Membership Department at membership@mia.org.my.