Membership & Education

The membership of MIA comprises four (4) main sectors, namely Commerce & Industry, Public Practice, Public Sector and Academia. It is important to bring all accountants into one community to develop and grow the accountancy profession. As a member-based organisation, MIA places membership services as priority in its daily activities. The provision of services to members cuts across from assisting members with technical enquiries or on practice issues to interpretation of by-laws and guidelines, assisting members to set up their own practices and much more. Members will be updated on the latest laws, policies and guidelines and technical information affecting the profession.

Among the functions of the MIA specified in the Accountants Act 1967 are regulating the profession, providing training & education and promoting the interest of the accountancy profession. The MIA’s role in supporting and promoting the development of accounting education in the country takes on a greater challenge as it is also responsible for ensuring that both existing and future professionals are able to face global challenges while remaining relevant to the needs of society. Thus, MIA has to act as the catalyst in meeting stakeholders’ expectations and providing a convenient conduit for them to stay updated on developments in accounting education.