Interested to Serve on a MIA Board/Committee?

MIA’s Boards and Committees play a critical role in advocating for the development, interest and the future relevance of the accountancy profession which in turn drives the ESG agenda and sustainable development of the country.

Members of the Boards/Committees are contributing invaluable efforts to the Institute’s and Profession’s value creation. Serving on Boards/Committees would also open up opportunities for engagement and collaboration with stakeholders including MIA Members to contribute towards the Institute’s nation building agenda.

MIA currently has a number of Boards and Committees which provide leadership and guidance towards the execution of the Institute’s many functions. The Boards/Committees (depending on their Terms of Reference) may be composed of both MIA Council Members and non- MIA Council Members. MIA welcomes progressive and qualified Members to serve on its Board and Committees which drive the Institute’s diverse agenda with a focus on strengthening regulation, developing future relevance and business sustainability. There are also Regional Committees at each of the Institute’s Regional Offices (Johor, Northern, Sabah and Sarawak) which aim to serve the needs of members in those regions.

For more information on the Boards/Committees, you may refer to the individual Boards/Committees HERE and HERE.

To express your interest of serving on MIA Boards/Committees, please email to with the Subject header “Interest to Serve on MIA Boards/Committees”. In your email, please include the following:

  • Indicate which Board/Committee you are interested to serve on with a brief explanation on your skills and potential contributions to these Boards/Committees
  • Your CV, which must reflect the relevant background/experience to serve on the Board/Committee of your choice
  • Your personal details (i.e. full name, MIA membership number, email address, contact number)

Kindly note that upon receipt of your documents, MIA will contact you at our discretion, subject to any vacancies on the Boards/Committees.