
  • Man Using Ballpoint Pen by Burst at

    Man Using Ballpoint Pen by Burst at

The MIA’s Education Unit plays a significant role in the development of the accounting education in its fraternity, inter alia;

  1. Acting as the secretariat to the Education Board, Examination Committee & MIA-MQA Joint Technical Committees by providing technical and administrative supports.
  2. Coordinating the MIA Qualifying Examination that provide pathway for aspiring accountants to be MIA C.A.(M)
  3. Conducting awareness talks to attract the young generations to choose accountancy as their preferred profession in future
  4. Creating awareness among accounting students and graduates to enrol the mentoring programme under the MIA Chartered Accountants’ Relevant Experience Programme (CARE) as part of requirements in becoming MIA C.A. (M) specified by International Education Standards (IESs)
  5. Providing supports as well as participating in the activities hold by the accounting students in the form of financial and nonfinancial assistance
  6. Developing the MIA Competency Framework that defines the skill sets required of accountancy professionals in accordance with IESs.
  7. Providing feedback on curriculum review of accounting degree programmes offered by Institutions of Higher Learning and liaison with Ministry of Higher Education
  8. Upskilling of academicians via capacity building initiatives and Train the Trainer Programmes
  9. Organising nation-wide accounting related competitions to ignite interest and awareness on the accountancy profession
  10. Providing feedback to governing bodies such as International Accounting Education Standards Board on proposals for revised IESs.